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Non-extractive finance
Workplace democracy
Networked power
Rethinking risk
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Our board

Seed Commons' cooperative governance

Our board is drawn from our network of member organizations, providing cooperative governance and oversight for our national investment fund.

Kristen Barker
Kristen Barker
Kristen Barker
President & Co-Founder, Coop Cincy
Andrew Delmonte
Andrew Delmonte
Andrew Delmonte
Director, Cooperation Buffalo
Guadalupe “Lupe” Romero Elicea
Guadalupe “Lupe” Romero Elicea
Guadalupe “Lupe” Romero Elicea
Project Steward, Climate Justice Alliance
Ghislain Guiebo
Ghislain Guiebo
Ghislain Guiebo
Associate Director of Programs, The Working World
Andrea Golden
Andrea Golden
Andrea Golden
Co-Director, PODER Emma
Emily Lerman
Emily Lerman
Emily Lerman
Project Officer, Baltimore Roundtable for Economic Democracy
Briana Sidney
Briana Sidney
Briana Sidney
Board & Sustainability Committee Co-Founder & Board Member, Cooperation Richmond
Ed Whitfield
Ed Whitfield
Ed Whitfield
Co-Founder & Co-Director, Southern Reparations Loan Fund