Climate, capitalism, and worker-owned alternatives
Posted in: In the media

Seed Commons co-director Kate Khatib spoke with the Climate One podcast about worker ownership, sustainable business, and systemic alternatives:
"I think there are additional elements that you see within cooperatives that do present more of a challenge to [...] the logic of capitalism, especially around the way that labor generates surplus value. In a worker-owned cooperative, we don't have the same pressure to scale. When we're trying to grow a workaround cooperative, what we're really trying to do is grow to a scale that's sustainable and appropriate for the workers as opposed to what I think we tend to see in the kind of rampant expansionist logic of capitalism, which is always driving towards more profits, more profits, more production, more surplus. We're not trying to do that with a worker-owned cooperative. We're trying to grow sustainably. So it really, I think, challenges some of that logic in a really fundamental way."