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ILSR's Building Local Power podcast talks with The Detroit Community Wealth Fund, a Seed Commons peer

An illustration of diverse people standing on stacks of money in front of a highway sign that says "Detroit" (via ILSR)

ILSR's illustration for their podcast episode

ILSR's Building Local Power podcast talks with Seed Commons' Detroit peer:

In the heart of Detroit, a movement is underway to rebuild democracy and economic power from the ground up. The Detroit Community Wealth Fund sits at the epicenter of this movement, providing non-extractive capital and technical assistance that empowers local businesses and cooperatives. Co-founder Margo Dalal and director of community programming Rosie DeSantis joined Building Local Power to discuss their approach to fostering solidarity, building community wealth, and reshaping their economy by starting with what’s best for the people of Detroit rather than corporate shareholders.

Listen to the episode, "New Generational Wealth in Detroit." (ILSR/Building Local Power, April 4, 2024)